At Shining Stars Childcare we have developed a program that aims to promote children’s love for life-long learning and also promote school readiness. Each year we evaluate and reflect on all our programs including our school readiness program. . Our Curriculum is designed to meet the ELYF guidelines and to foster Children’s learning and development.
We have implemented the Early Learning Years Framework (ELYF). The Australian Government Council has developed this framework to assist educators to provide young children with opportunities to maximise their potential and develop a foundation for future success in learning. This framework aims to contribute to the Australian Governments vision that… All children have the best start in life to create a better future for them and for the nation.
For more information on the Early Learning Years Framework please click here

Parent Involvement
Each group has a different program to meet the needs of the different ages and stages of children. All programs are displayed for parents to read allowing you to be informed about what your child has been involved in. Our family diary allows us to connect with families and incorporated different ideas, celebrations into our program.

Throughout the year we will plan for extra events to extend on the interests and learning of the children. Some examples of these events: Visit from the dentist, Fire Brigade, Police, parent involvement, reptiles visit, excursion..
Key areas to our curriculum
The Environment
We believe in creating an aesthetically pleasing, stimulating and child focused environment that will allow each child to grow and build relationships. We believe in creating a pleasant atmosphere for the children where they feel at home and competent in their learning environment. We promote sustainable practices to foster respect and care for the Environment.
The role of the Educator
The Educator’s role is to set the scene. The educators observe each child to understand their needs, strengths and interests. They use these observations to plan for daily experiences and activities.