We believe that all Children, Educators, Families and members of the community should be respected and valued as individuals. We acknowledge the contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional custodians of the land.
We believe that all children have a right to be part of a safe, loving, caring, nurturing, happy, diverse and anti-bias educational environment that provides the opportunity to set their foundations for the rest of their lives.
We believe that children are confident, capable, creative and active learners that learn through play at their own pace. We believe that a child centred approach to planning allows children to become competent learners.
Our curriculum is Reggio Emilia and Bronfenbrenner inspired, we recognise the environment as the ‘Third Teacher’ that promotes and scaffolds a child’s sense of agency, allowing each child to grow, encourage communication and relationships and allow children to be active contributors and influential to their world.
We believe in creating an aesthetically pleasing, stimulating, child focused and homely environment, allowing for a sense of ownership and respect and that reflects the identity and culture of children, families and community, encouraging a sense of belonging and connection to their world.
We recognise that everyone has their own values, beliefs, cultures and strengths that contribute to our diverse community. We embrace and advocate for the rights of all children and families to access and actively take part in our programs allowing for a sense of comfort and belonging.
We believe in building positive relationships amongst the Educators, Children, Families and the community, allowing us to develop an inclusive program that reflects our families.
Building relationships with children will allow us to understand and explore their thoughts, ideas, needs and interests, collaborating as partners.
Building relationships with families allows us to foster diversity and gain knowledge about the children’s family life, experiences and different values.
We believe our educators present themselves professionally and continue to reflect on their practices through ongoing training and development. Our Educators act as advocates for our children’s well-being and education.
Our philosophy is developed and reviewed in collaboration with our children, educators, families and broader community
Our Goals are to
- Provide an environment that is safe yet challenging, fostering competence, independence and self-help skills
- To provide a curriculum and child focused environment that underpins and promotes children’s learning through play to meet the learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning framework and developmental stages.
- To embed critical reflection and collaboration amongst all Educators in making curriculum decisions based on the Early Years Learning Framework and Pedagogical theories and practices.
- To embed practices amongst the children and educators to promote physical health and wellbeing
- To Embed daily health and hygiene practices throughout the centre amongst children and Educators
- To Build positive and trusting relationships with the children, families and the community.
- To work in partnerships with families and the community and promote their involvement.
- To acknowledge and respect diversity within the service and community.
- Celebrate and acknowledge cultural events that are relevant to our families and in our community.
- To liaise and collaboratively work with early intervention services and professionals
- To provide families with up to date information about health, hygiene, care education, child development and support.
- Promote staff to take part in professional training, development and reflection
- To implement a Quality Improvement Plan that allows all educators to critically reflect on current and future practices in relation to the National Quality Framework and Standard<.
- To maintain a high standard of professionalism and work in accordance of the code of conduct, code of ethics, philosophy, the rights of the child, policies and procedures.
- To have a thorough understanding and work in accordance to the Education and Care Services National Regulations and National Law